No, this doesn't have anything to do with the music channel. But I will promise you one thing. You will become a certified Forklift operator at the end of this article
As of Openshift 4.17, the Openshift Virtualization dashboard is available in Advanced Cluster Management (version 2.11).
To enable this functionality, simply turn on the Observability service. See the following link:
In the previous articles, an introduction was provided to the following concepts:
Images: Think of an image as as a snapshot of a filesystem, bootable media, and/or QCOW or raw image files.
Since the previous article was a lengthy introduction on Openshift Virtualization, I wanted to do something fun and productive for this next article. There will be some other articles later on deeper dives
In the next series of posts, I will be doing a full walkthrough of Openshift Virtualization. Openshift Virtualization uses libvirt under the hood and is based on the the upstream Kubevirt project but